Why we
helping you

Why we
helping you

A message from our founder, John Romeo

Photo of John Romeo
Before founding Romeo Company, I worked as an art director in a large in-house creative department at a Fortune 100 company. While I was there, I felt that the outside agencies we hired were too disconnected from our culture, processes, and day-to-day work. That disconnect put both sides at a disadvantage and it felt difficult to do great work with them.

I told myself that if I ever started an agency, it would be one that I’d want to hire—an agency with a team that didn’t bring their egos to work. An agency that understands that their team should serve the client’s needs, not the other way around.

My team and I know the unique needs of in-house agencies and marketing teams. We understand the pressure and the daily fire drills. We’ve also seen how in-house agencies today rival the talent of traditional, external agencies. We’re not interested in taking away the fun, “juicy” assignments from in-house teams. Romeo Company is designed to help you do more of the work you .

Our purpose at Romeo Company is to do work that makes our clients look good. Period.

If you’d like to learn more about how we might help you and your team, let’s talk.


A little more about us…

We research

For 10+ years our team has worked on qualitative research projects, like focus groups and consumer interviews. Consistently, we saw the process break down in the same places—especially in virtual research. So we reimagined the qualitative research experience from the ground up, and spun a new venture out of Romeo Company in 2020. Learn more about our sister agency at researchanywhere.com.


We’re based in Richmond, Virginia, consistently ranked as one of the top U.S. cities to work and live. Richmond is also home to incredible Fortune 500 and Inc. 5000 companies, many of which we’re proud to call clients. Plus, Richmond has a really great restaurant scene. We good food.

We meeting new people

If you’re curious about how we can help your team, or if you’re looking to join our team, let’s talk!